Sunday, September 14, 2008

10 Gal Shrimp Tank

My father keeps this low light red cherry shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis, variation red) species tank - with no CO2 or fertilization. This is a standard 10 Gal kit, with its hang-on-back filter outfitted with Aquarium Technology, Inc. Filter-Max I Pre-Filter. Thin layer of flourite is used to plant cuttings from my 58Gal tank - Anubias barteri, Rotala rotundifolia, Hygrophila difformis. There is also a paper background attached to it, so do not be confused.
Pre-filter sponge is the favorite place for shrimp to hang out. Note the pregnant female on the left. Although my 58Gal has few shrimp, this species tank is much better for observing their behavior. Most importantly my father manages to fight of the algae - frequent water changes I guess....
Here are few shots of the flora and fauna.

Another one:

How many shrimps do you see here on one leaf? I see at least 3!

Algae wafers are the favorite snack:

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